Friday, April 2, 2010

The Rewards of Simplicity by Pam & Chuck D. Pierce

The book is about simplicity in your life - both physical and spiritual. Simply put - getting rid of the clutter. What is the book, though - personal confessions, a sermon, a bible study, a daily devotional, or two people's unrelenting faith in Jesus Christ regardless of the circumstances and obeying His commands? It is all of the above. There are three keys to simplicity - faith, focus and function.

While the authors clearly outline how to simplify your life using the three keys, quoting scripture pertaining to each key and detailing personal experiences, I was not overly impressed. The book reads like a personal journal of two people trying to (or who have already) simplify their own lives, obeying God and strengthening their own faith. As such it is just not that interesting or deep. On the face of it, we all know that we live cluttered lives, but I found nothing here that surprised or added to what I already knew I should be doing.

The Pierces have served the Lord for many years, have written several books, and are well known. People will no doubt purchase this book because of who they are; however, it is one I would not. I cannot in good faith recommend the book.

This book was provided by the publisher as a review copy.

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